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« Music Porch on North Mendenhall Street | Main | Participatory Budgeting »

Wednesday, October 09, 2019


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Jessica E.

Eddie Wooten’s race calendar at https://www.greensboro.com/blogs/wooten_running_shorts/race-days-calendar-of-running-events-in-the-triad/article_64f380da-be22-11e2-8719-0019bb30f31a.amp.html is another great “official” resource for local races and groups.

William Kendall

We have a lot of races here throughout the year as well, many of them supporting charities.


It's the same here Janis, it never ceases to amaze me the number of people who participate for charity. I don't mind doing the walks but the runs are a thing of the past 😉

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