Today, we once again feature the Greensboro Aquatic Center. It has being receiving so much deserved praise lately for the addition of a fourth pool. The new pool was built with generated revenue. Swimmers and their families from around the country come here to compete. The above photo features the entrance. Look how beautiful it is, especially on a sunny day when the clouds reflect on the glass facade.
The gray stone facade and metal around the doors accentuates the geometric shapes found throughout the facility. To the right, you see one of the fiberglass statues of blue jeans seen throughout Greensboro. The one above, with the waves at the knees, is absolutely perfect for the aquatic center. West Gate City Boulevard shines this great facility and who Coliseum Complex in general. Happy Friday! We hope you are in the position to make the most of the weekend.
A welcoming entrance.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, September 27, 2019 at 03:28 PM