The O. Henry Hotel and Green Valley Grill, established in 1998, were both busy last night. The evening air was hot and balmy. The restaurant and bar were full of people out celebrating the weekend. Shortly before 9:00 p.m., the rain fell, and the wind was blowing rather fiercely. Fortunately, at the hotel and restaurant, the power didn't go out. For those only eating, it was a good place to wait out the storm. While all the guests were warm and cozy enjoying the evening, the outdoor areas of the property, including this courtyard, were hauntingly empty during the downpour.
Temperatures dropped to 63 degrees by early this morning and today will be significantly cooler. Enjoy your Saturday, and know that once the sun sets around 8:00 p.m. tonight, it could possibly rain again. When one is able to enjoy the rain from a dry, safe place, the views are hauntingly beautiful.
Lit beautifully!
Here the night temperatures are getting cooler by the day.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 03:26 PM