The New Garden Friends, also known as Quakers, hosted a booth at Fun Fourth on South Elm Street in downtown Greensboro. They dubbed it, "The New Garden Peace Booth." Passers-by were asked to write a response to the query, "What do you do to promote peace?". They were to write responses on post-it notes that got added to the inflatable peace sign.
Some of their favorite responses, shared on their website, were: "always be kind and never give up", "respect the worth and dignity of all", and "be willing to listen and care first". How would you respond? The Quaker community has been going strong in Greensboro since 1754. If you want to learn more about this welcoming religion, see their website, here.
Very creative.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 09:39 AM