What was once the Cascade Saloon at 408 South Elm Street is now owned by and has been redeveloped by the Christman Company. They have completely renovated the interior and left the exterior in its original form. The building dates to around 1895, around the same time the Christman Company was established.
If you like history and preservation stories, follow this link to Christman's website and read all of the details. There is even a 16 minute documentary (here). This preservation of Greensboro's heritage is an example of what happens when the City, Preservation Greensboro, and private enterprise collaborate.
The above photo was taken on July 4th, hence the red, white, and blue balloons. The police on bicycles just happened to be patrolling the beat.
Well worth preserving.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 03:48 PM