Katie Drive is located in northwest Greensboro, accessed from Carlson Dairy Road. The above photo shows a typical house and lot; a midsize-large house of recent vintage; nice landscaping with a woodsy back yard. The wooded areas in the back are a nice buffer from North Battleground Avenue. The neighborhood is filled with families of all ages and stages. Usually there is one house or two for sale, at most, in this neighborhood located at the entrance to the clubhouse of the Greensboro Country Club, Farm Course.
Most of the houses on Katie Drive have a well-manicured front lawn. The above lawn is mowed with a diamond/ checkerboard pattern. This level of detail, in making a lawn look presentable, is indicative of the pride the residents take in their neighborhood. Yet, families also use their lawns, on these warm summer nights, you see parents out playing with their children, especially playing basketball or riding bikes.
It would be nice to know how Katie Drive got its name. Surely, the developer had a loved one named Katie. If you know, please share the answer in the comments!
That place is well looked after.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, June 06, 2019 at 11:22 AM
Apart from a golf course this is probably the most stylish lawn I've seen Janis, almost looks like plaid 😉
Posted by: Grace | Friday, June 07, 2019 at 05:51 AM