The Friendship Friends Quaker Meeting is located in a former private residence at 1103 New Garden Road, directly across the street from the Frank Family Science Building at Guilford College. It is also located in Quaker Acres beside the Friends Home Senior Living Community. On the edge of the property, you can see the little path that has been forged by the senior Quakers who can walk to the meeting house.
The room where services is held is filled with chairs around the perimeter. In traditional quaker worship, "(a)ttendees are encouraged to speak once "the Spirit finds you", thus meaning one should only speak if the message is good for the community and beneficial to the meeting. A traditional Quaker belief is everyone has "that of God" inside, and everyone's inner light and spirit can be shown."*
There is over 250 years of Quaker presence and influence in Greensboro. Quakers have been a vital part of the local community and were believers in the inherent worth and dignity of all humans and civil rights, from the beginning. They meet at the 1103 New Garden property at 10:30 on Sundays, if you are interested in being a part of this inclusive, spiritual community. Happy Sunday!
*Wikipedia, "Meeting for Worship" visited June 15, 2019.
There's a Quaker place here too. Looking at it you wouldn't expect a place of worship.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 02:24 PM