This Old Irving Park house, located at 300 Cornwallis Drive is so full of southern charm. From columns, to topiaries to large front porch, to a great lawn, the property has so much street appeal. It was built in 1961, has over 5,000 square feet of living space, and a full basement. There is no shortage of space indoors and out.
When we feature homes in Greensboro, we often feature bungalow-esque properties or ones that maybe have fallen into disrepair, and may not be long for this world. However, especially to those from elsewhere, we don't want to misrepresent Greensboro. There are some breathtaking homes here. Greensboro residents take great pride in maintaining their green space. Our city comes by its name honestly. The above photo is representative of homes you will see as you enter Old Irving Park. Some are larger, some are smaller, but almost all of them make you want to grab a jug of sweet tea and a homemade pound cake and sit on the porch for the afternoon, chatting with dear friends.
Happy summer!
That one is big!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, June 08, 2019 at 02:44 PM
Scarlett O'Hara could come walking out that door quite comfortably Janis 😀
Posted by: Grace | Sunday, June 09, 2019 at 07:29 AM