Yesterday was Pancake Day for the Kiwanis Club of High Point. Each year, the Kiwanians hold the event at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. This giant church is located at the corner of Westchester and Chestnut Drive in High Point. The elaborate architecture and the stone construction looks as much like a European building as one here in North Carolina. Wesley Memorial UMC began in a different High Point location, before the Civil War in 1856, with a congregation of 17, four of whom were African American.
It was a beautiful day for the event and, as it turns out, the family walking in was volunteering for the event. Hats off to the mom who was able to get her four boys up and out on a Saturday morning to help with a community event. From the size of the crowd and the amount of pancakes and sausage being consumed, every indication is that the event was a huge success!
A distinctive looking church.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 03:46 PM