Last night, the Triad Auburn Club met at Hickory Tavern on Stratford Road in Winston-Salem to watch Auburn soar to victory over the Carolina Tarheels. On Sunday, the club will come to Greensboro and Auburn fans will meet at Fat Dogs at the corner of South Holden Road and Spring Garden to see if the Auburn Tigers will qualify for the final four.
Likely, many brackets in North Carolina were ruined with the Auburn win over Carolina. However, Auburn fans from Greensboro are good sports, very courteous, and super excited to see Auburn play in the Elite 8. The last time Auburn played in the Elite 8 was 1986. Regardless of what team you are cheering for, college basketball has a way of bringing people together for some good old fashioned fun. To be sure, March Madness comes by its name honestly.
Happy Saturday!
Good shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 03:45 PM
Go Auburn! 😀
Posted by: Grace | Monday, April 01, 2019 at 10:24 AM