Last night, Guilford County Schools held their annual choice showcase. Students and families went to learn about the many programs offered by the school district. Students always have the opportunity to attend their attendance zone school; however, some students want a program that is centered around a certain topic, like health and life sciences, world language, aviation, preforming arts, visual arts, etc. In Guilford County, there is something for everybody at every grade level.
It can be really hard to know which program is best for a student. Visiting the schools is a good place to start. Students need to be genuinely interested in the topic of the school. Students also need to be prepared to meet students from all over the district, and not necessarily go to school with neighborhood friends. The programs offered by the district are outstanding, especially if a student really wants to be there.
The above photo features the Kindergarten experience zone. Children could practice getting on and off the bus, standing in a cafeteria line, eating cafeteria food, talking to classroom teachers, getting experience with hands-on activities, and more. If you are interested in one of the programs of choice, be mindful of the timeline for school visits and getting paperwork in on time. May your child have the best school year ever- every year!
Having no children, I don't know if there's any such variation here or if you're pretty much set geographically.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 11:14 AM
Whatcha really good idea Janis, helps the children to familiarise before starting kindergarten ✨
Posted by: Grace | Friday, March 15, 2019 at 07:54 AM
That was what a really good idea 😉
Posted by: Grace | Friday, March 15, 2019 at 07:55 AM