This past Saturday, the Kiwanis Club of High Point held their 41st Annual Pancake Day. The 9am celebrity pancake flipper was Cindy Farmer, Morning News Anchor, on FOX8. Cindy, a Virginia Tech graduate, has been working in TV news since moving to Greensboro in 1990. Her passion is sharing good news about our community, especially the local schools. She is equally passionate about volunteering her time and energy for worthy causes. In the above photo, Cindy is seen masterfully making Micky Mouse pancakes for the children in the pancake line.
Cindy has won many awards, including an Emmy for Community Service, the Susan G. Komen Lifetime Volunteer Achievement award, The Susan G. Komen Founders Award, and the Howard Coble Citizenship award.* You can tell by the smile on her face that she has a way of lighting up a room with her positive energy and optimism. Thank you, Cindy, for all you do for the community.
*reference and more information, here.
She has a cheerful smile.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, March 25, 2019 at 11:51 AM
She's doing a great job there Janis, my daughter loves making pancakes, she would love the Mickey mouse shape 😊
Posted by: Grace | Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 12:18 PM