February is African American History Month and Greensboro has played a significant role in the civil rights movement. On February 1, 1960, four NCA&T students sat down at the Woolworth lunch counter, a place that only waited on white customers. Greensboro is home to two historically black colleges and universities, NCA&T and Bennet College.
The above photo features the bronze statue of Reverend, Doctor, Martin Luther King, initially sculpted in cement by Wilbur Lee Mapp and cast in bronze in collaboration of Mr. Mapp and Jim Gallucci. The bust is now permanently installed on MLK Drive. If you look closer to the right of it, you can see the water tower of Bennett College. There is talk that High Point University may provide a financial gift so that Bennett College can remain open. The Greensboro/High Point community is known to work together for the common good. Have a great Saturday!
A good way to start off the month!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, February 02, 2019 at 10:53 AM