September is National Suicide Prevention Month and college students are especially vulnerable. Many are away from home for the first time without the safety net of family and friends. Also, the rigor of college courses can be stressful. The above photo features a field of awareness and inspirational sayings at UNCG. The display gives people resources and something to think about as they walk along the path in front of the Elliot University Center.
988 is a dedicated number for people to call if they are in crisis or need information about resources. NAMI Guilford (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is another resource for Greensboro and the surrounding area. NAMI got started in Madison, WI, in the 1970s and now has affiliate groups in 48 states. We also have a North Carolina NAMI. These pinwheels get displayed every year and they remind us to always make an effort to be kind and to let people around us know we care. The pinwheels represent people who have died by suicide. The white stacks of Jackson Library can be in the background. May we have fewer pinwheels next year.