These shipping containers off of Merritt Drive in Greensboro remind us that when we consume, items need to get from Point A to Point B somehow. In Greensboro, that is often by truck, plane, or rail. Since the city doesn't have a port or river, boats are not an option. However, there are plenty of shipping containers coming through the city. In September of this year (2018), Fed Ex expanded its operations in Greensboro, making PTI Airport busier.
Nationally, this year's November-December online sales have increased by 16%, up from 106 billion to 123 billion in 2018.* That statistic relates to Greensboro in two ways. First, if you are looking for a job, the local shipping industry is robust. Second, if you want to directly help the local economy, remember to also shop local. Finally, remember that overconsumption leads to environmental degradation. Consider shopping at resale shops or from people who use recycled materials. While it is important to keep the economy robust, there are ways to consume that are less impactful to natural resources.
* Reference and more information, here.
I couldn't agree more Janis, I buy local as much as possible but I know internet shopping is growing more popular all the time ✨
Posted by: Grace | Wednesday, December 05, 2018 at 09:11 AM
Those are pretty much the same the world over.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, December 05, 2018 at 11:55 AM