Persimmon Grove AME Church is located at 408 Dolley Madison Road. The pastor is the Rev. Debora Lawson-Smith. The AMEC religion is an outgrowth of the Free African Society, established in Philadelphia in 1787. The religion spread in the 1880s as African Americans were looking for a religion where they could worship and not face racial discrimination. Persimmon Grove AME Church in Greensboro traces its roots to that same time period, specifically 1882, and has changed locations more than once. The above church building was dedicated sixty years ago on July 13, 1958.
To celebrate the last Sunday before Christmas, we feature Persimmon Grove, as it is decorated only by what some would refer to as God's winter glory- snow. May this calm scene inspire us all to pause and reflect on the spiritual aspect of Christmas. Winter in Greensboro is a time of cold and darkness; however, family, friends, and a faith community have a way of nurturing the soul. Happy Sunday!
It reminds me a lot of one that I've known where I grew up.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 23, 2018 at 01:53 PM
It's a beautiful photo and a beautiful church and perfect for the season! Merry Christmas, Jan.
Posted by: Lowell | Monday, December 24, 2018 at 11:46 AM