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Monday, December 03, 2018


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It's definitely that time of the year again Janis, I'm still wondering where this year went! Love the lights, tres festive 🎄

William Kendall

Beautiful lights!

Jonathan Smith

Thank you, greensborodailyphoto, for featuring @sunsethillsgso. The neighborhood is on fire about helping to shorten the line of hunger and adding to the beauty. Shine The Light on Hunger redirected non-perishable food (52 tons between 2007-2017) chiefly to #GreensboroUrbanMinistry. The grass-roots non-profit also redelivered cash donations ($324,680) to 1) Second Harvest Food Bank of North West North Carolina *and* 2) Greensboro Urban Ministry, according to each donor's wish. The neighborhood supplies collection depots, volunteer labor, Christmas lights, repackaging and redelivery of tangible and monetary gifts to Urban Ministry and Second Harvest, Shine The Light on Hunger yard signs and recordkeeping. We have no expenses; nobody gets reimbursed, everything benefits hungry folks, providing 2,324,537 meals since 2007.

NEW THIS YEAR: Lincoln Financial Volunteers made and hung 300 Lighted Christmas Balls in Greenway Park and built a new food collection depot in Greenway Park to add to the beauty and help drive more donor traffic.

Wendy Strain

Are the lights still up? Thank you

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