Brown-Gardiner bills itself as "The Place to Be", an old-fashioned pharmacy and soda fountain that has served Greensboro for over 59 years. Part pharmacy, part restaurant, part social gathering place, indeed, Brown-Gardiner is an Irving Park institution. When you enter, depending on the time of day, you either smell bacon frying or that subtle medicinal scent of the pharmacies of yesteryear.
Congressman Howard Coble was known to eat here. When in his Greensboro office, all he had to do was cross the street for lunch. It is highly likely that a lot of community input came his way over the lunch counter. While, unfortunately, Congressman Coble is no longer living, there is every indication that Brown-Gardiner will be around for a very long time. The building at 2101 North Elm Street, with its Carolina blue brick and awning, is even more prominent after a snowstorm.
Great info! After 18 years of living in the Triad area, I have never been! It goes, now, to my “must-see” places.
Posted by: Liliana J. | Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 09:53 AM
We must go together, Liliana! Maybe with "the girls."
Posted by: Janis | Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 10:02 AM
Soda fountain shops, as they were called, are a rarity. I can't think of any here.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 10:46 AM