Greensboro was especially beautiful yesterday afternoon. The above photo was taken in northwest Greensboro and is representative of how so many of our woodsy areas look this time of year. There was patchy fog in parts of town and as it began to burn off, the colors of fall revealed themselves. This year, yellow has been more dominant than the orange and red of some years. Before you know it, there won't be any leaves remaining on trees.
Hopefully, today is a day of rest for you and, if you have to work, in or out of the home, you still have a little time to pause and give thanks. For some, that will be in the form of a prayer. Regardless of what one believes, it is important to be thankful for the beauty in nature and know that it should be protected and nurtured. Have a great day, and, thank you for stopping by Greensboro Daily Photo.
The trees do look particularly beautiful in this light Janis.. love the thick carpet of leaves on the ground, such a pretty time of the year.. I think the trees also look wonderful in winter mode ✨
Posted by: Grace | Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 10:57 AM
Pretty fall colours. I'm struck by how much later in the year your trees turn compared to ours.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 01:43 PM