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« Innisbrook Wrapping Paper | Main | Graffiti Under Wendover »

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


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William Kendall

I believe that is the first time I have heard the term ebru.


I get frustrated when I have to spend any money at all on wrapping paper. It just gets torn off and torn up immediately and nobody notices what it's all about. I'm going to start a movement requiring all gifts be wrapped in old newspapers. Think how helpful that will be to the environment, also.

BTW, what's happened to you of late. Haven't heard from you for weeks. Hope I didn't offend your sensibilities...I'm very good at that, even when I don't try! :)


Just re-read my comment above and obviously I failed to comment on the subject of the post but got side-tracked on a rant re wrapping paper, especially at Xmas time. Susanne Baker is without question a fine artisan and I applaud her work with these fine art papers. It is obvious she has honed her craft to perfection down through the years and I hope she finds even more satisfaction and enjoyment during her retirement.


Oh my gosh Suzanne's paper art is so gorgeous Janis. I have heard of this technique before and even been tempted to give it a go but never seem to have the time. I should think retirement holds a successful future for Suzanne ✨

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