Lotus Center is a facility with healthcare professionals who practice holistic medicine on Lawndale Drive near Target. According to their website,* the center houses a pharmacy of over 500 herbs and 200 prepared pills and tinctures. In the front yard, you will notice a tree that was likely uprooted during Hurricane Michael.
If you notice, these professionals, who are grounded in natural, earth-friendly practices, have taken the tree and are sawing the wood in three inch planks that are about 2 1/2 feet by 7 feet. The wood looks like oak. It is solid, beautiful, with a nice grain. It will be interesting to try to find out what they are going to do with the wood. Whoever is cutting it is doing a fabulous job. The cuts look perfectly level.
*reference, here.
Goodness that must have been a huge tree Janis, I'm happy that the Lotus Centre is treating it with the care it deserves ✨
Posted by: Grace | Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 07:32 AM
I like the look of the place.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 01:05 PM