This charming farmhouse on Highway 158, at the corner of Angel Pardue Road, is located just north of Greensboro and just east of Stokesdale. As you can in the field on the right of the road and on the left, back to the tree line, this house is surrounded by fields of tobacco. While decreasing, tobacco remains North Carolina's number one cash crop and North Carolina is the largest tobacco producer in the United States.*
If you live in Greensboro, it is not uncommon to see scenes like the one above: a charming farmhouse with a wrap-around porch, a sleepy country road, fields and fields of tobacco, or some other agricultural product. Soon, this tobacco will be harvested, the fields will be plowed, and it will be time for planting fall crops- chard, cabbage, collards. If kids are lucky, there will be time for a little harvest fun; perhaps some apple cider made, a corn maze to visit, a hayride, and maybe even Halloween fun. Today's photo is a little slice of a way of life that has existed in North Carolina since North Carolina became a state.
* reference and article, here.
There's a belt of agricultural land in southwestern Ontario that is able to produce tobacco thanks to a moderating local climate, but that's about it. I have no conscious memory of seeing a tobacco field personally, though I must have as a child on a family trip south.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 11:29 AM