This is the time of year that gardens really start to get buggy. The above mature Carolina mantis was having a field day eating bugs in a local Greensboro garden. The Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) is native to North Carolina; however it is common throughout the USA, Mexico, and even South America. We're pretty sure this brown mantis is a female as she has short wings and widens out towards the bottom. Also, the females don't fly and this one only scooted around during the photo shoot and never flew away. (No mantis was harmed in the preparation of this blog post).
The praying mantis catches and eats other insects with their forelegs. A mantis doesn't have to eat daily, but can eat from 2-7 flies a day. They live approximately nine months, consuming as many as 1,000 bugs in their lifetime.* This should make the owners of the above garden very happy as pest reduction by mantis is very organic and good for the garden. We try to publish one mantis photo a summer. Have you seen a mantis in your Greensboro neighborhood yet?
*reference and more mantis fun facts, here.
Terrific macro shot!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, August 07, 2018 at 11:43 AM