Happy Fourth of July on the 7th! As you may have heard, the fireworks in downtown Greensboro have been rescheduled for tonight. Bring a chair and head downtown to enjoy a spectacular display and fellowship with other people in Greensboro. Food trucks and live music should start around 8pm and the fireworks will start around 9pm. While the National Weather Service is predicting cloudy skies and a temperature in the low 60s, the weather sounds much safer than Wednesday night, when the winds were strong and conditions were not safe.
If, for some reason, they need to postpone the fireworks again, perhaps they can combine with them with the MUSEP music concert that will start at 6pm at Greensboro College on Market Street. There will be two sets of big band- swing/jazz swing music. Surely, those bands could sneak in a little patriotic pops sound for en encore. This could be Greensboro's largest MUSEP attendance ever. Regardless, both events are free and open to the public and proof-positive that there is plenty to do in our great city!
Have fun!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, July 07, 2018 at 11:21 AM