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« RED Cinema & RBG | Main | (Formerly) Southside Hardware on South Elm Street »

Wednesday, June 06, 2018


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Alleys are a good thing. When I was growing up, I lived in several different cities and they all had alleys. That's where the garage was, and it was a great place to sneak in the house when you didn't want to talk to the neighbors! :)

William Kendall

I like the look of the place.

Nollie W Neill Jr

In the late 1880's Eagle Foundry built their first foundry up this alley, the original address was S. Elm, but the building sat a good 100 feet off of S. Elm. Later they built new office, warehouse that connected to this foundry and fronted Lewis Street, where the current building in your photo on the left sits. My families foundry Glascock was in the 200 block of Lewis at this time, now the parking lot and under Eugene Street as it goes up over the railroad tracks. In 1901 Glascock would acquire what was left of Eagle and they would add on the the buildings in the 100 block to left of this alley several times. These buildings were damaged or destroyed by the April 2, 1936 Tornado, by this time Glascock Stove & Mfg. Co. had moved out on West Lee Street. THANKS for posting this photo, I've done a lot of research on this area of South Greensboro and walked this alley several times, wondering how many times my Great, Great & Great Grandfather's walked this alley.

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