Yesterday, Greensboro had a special treat as Paul Brown recorded an "Across the Blue Ridge" segment for public radio here. The above photo shows Paul, on banjo with Erynn Marshall playing fiddle, Carl Jones on guitar, and Terri McMurray on banjo uke. Erynn and Carl were the featured musicians singing and playing at the Listen Speakeasy behind the bakery at Morehead Foundry at 433 Spring Garden Street. Mostly Erynn and Carl performed their old-time, fiddle and banjo duet style while Paul hosted and recorded the session, but for a few tunes at the end Paul and Terri joined in, much to the audience's delight.
While the Speakeasy venue is small, it is intimate and it is easy to see and hear the musicians. At the intermission yesterday, guests had a chance to talk to the entertainers. Most people in the audience were musicians themselves so the event almost had the feel of a house party with friends enjoying their friends playing music.
Sounds like a great big party and lots of fun. Lots of bluegrass, I'll bet!
Posted by: Lowell | Monday, May 14, 2018 at 10:06 AM
Ah, so that`s the fiddler! There`s a strong Canadian tradition of fiddling here, especially so in Cape Breton, which is the island section of Nova Scotia.
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, May 14, 2018 at 11:50 AM