Yesterday, schools were still closed in Guilford County. Power was still out in many schools and the clean up was not far enough along for students to traverse streets safely. Employees of Guilford County Schools (GCS) mobilized to help families all day long. From donating and distributing needed items, to charging cell phones, sawing tree limbs, picking up debris, to checking on students, all day long, GCS employees helped families in need in so many ways.
In the above photo, GCS employees are boarding busses from Mt. Zion Baptist Church on Alamance Church Road. They were bussed into impacted neighborhoods to knock on doors, letting families know that school were resuming today in all but the four most severely affected elementary schools. Some families have been without power and with phone service. It is heartwarming to know that even after hours- early yesterday evening- teachers, administrators and staff were working together to help the families of east Grensboro.
For those who are able to get there, schools are open for business today, but the cleanup and rebuilding is far from over. Here's to a continued, community effort in Greensboro. If you want to help, here is a link to ways to do so. The infrastructure is already in place. See, here.
Disasters and weather damage do tend to bring out the best in people, particularly at the local level.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 11:17 AM