Students initiating the March for Our Lives Movement have led hundreds of thousands in their call for change. The most powerful speeches and calls for action are coming from students- as young as elementary school. While the main march was in Washington D.C. yesterday, Greensboro also held a student-led march. The above photo, taken on Government Plaza at 110 South Greene Street, with the Jefferson Pilot/Lincoln Financial Building in the background, shows that Greensboro was a sea of people, even before the march began at 2:00p.m. People braved cold, rainy weather to go express their desire for actions to eliminate gun violence and to protest the notion of arming teachers or placing guns in schools. Early College at Guilford and Grimsley High School Students spearheaded yesterday's march in Greensboro.*
Regardless of where one stands on the issue of guns in schools, everyone wants children to be safe in school. Regardless of where adults stand on issues, the youth of today are already bring about changes. As this current group of high school students turns 18 and can vote, they will have even more of an impact. It is interesting to see so many adults sitting and listening to what the children have to say. It is impressive to hear how articulate the are. Since Sunday tends to be a day of reflection and prayer, it would me nice to say a prayer that children will be safe and that the adults in their lives will find a way to work together to achieve that common goal.
* read more, here.
It's heartening to see how engaged these young people are in this issue.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 02:08 PM
Regardless of where you stand makes all the difference in the world. These young people are taking a stand but it's an uphill battle when the president was bribed to the tune of $20 million by the NRA during the last election and when the majority of our legislators are bought off by the NRA, Wall Street and other nogoodniks.
It's an uphill battle, and they're fighting some very powerful people; people who are either ignorant of American history or wish to change it for the 2nd Amendment does NOT give every man, woman and child in the U..S. the "right" to carry weapons of every kind. It has to do with a state militia, and "well-regulated" one at that.
When I was growing up we were aware of that, but the NRA and their flunkies have done a magnificent job of fooling the American people about guns. Of course, its' not too hard to do that when a majority of people don't know the three branches of government and their responsibilities, nor can they tell you the difference between the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Okay, I'll quit now. I wish the young folks well.
Posted by: Lowell | Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 09:38 PM