Leaving Eden is a North Carolina fable about to make its world debut. Greensboro's own Laurelyn Dossett wrote the music and lyrics. She is photographed above, seated next to Adam Versenyi, Chair of the Department of Dramatic Art at UNC- Chapel Hill. They were two of several people associated with the play who were making a presentation yesterday at the World View Conference in the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. The World View seminar for K-12 and community college educators was entitled, Building Stronger Bridges: Cultural Respect and Equity in the Classroom. In addition to entertaining the audience, the performance gave educators ideas of how to use plays to broach tough topics related to race and equity.
Leaving Eden is a musical journey telling of a small town in 1933 and life that centered around the cotton mills, alternating with 2016 and workers in a pork processing plant. The play will be performed in Chapel Hill at the PlayMakers Repertory Company, not Greensboro.* However, Chapel Hill is such a short drive and, based on yesterday's performance of two excerpts, and Laurelyn's singing, Leaving Eden will be well worth the drive. Opening night is April 7th.
* see more here.
I think I'd do the drive to see the play. What has changed from 1933 to 2016, I wonder, in this musical journey?
Posted by: Lowell | Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 10:59 AM
Timely in this day.
Posted by: William Kendall | Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 11:17 AM