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« O2 Fitness at Friendly Center in the Location of the Former Tex and Shirley's | Main | Easter Saturday »

Friday, March 30, 2018


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I cannot celebrate another shopping center for any reason but I will celebrate the spirit of the holiday with you. Glad, too, that you're having nice weather. I'd love to discuss the resurrection and the "Passover" but I'd be writing for some time.

It fascinates me that you have a cook book from Rawlings. Where did you get it? And obviously, you've been to Cross Creek before. I should say that it is really getting run down now. We were there several years ago and it was better...but the state has taken over and they're not budgeting for what needs to be done. They do have tours yet and a steady stream of visitors though.

Did you see the movie? It was rather corny but still...and Gregory Peck is always great to watch. I'm going to post some more photos of the place in the days ahead.

Have a great weekend whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate, and I always appreciate your comments!

William Kendall

A lovely sky!

From the names of the shops and establishments, none of them are found in these parts.

Happy Easter!

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