The above photo features Fresh Market on New Garden Road in Jefferson Village, before Easter rush started for the day. As you can see, the chocolate bunnies are selling out quickly. In most of Greensboro's grocery stores, the smaller hams have also sold out, as have small sweet potatoes. North Carolina sweet potatoes can get as large as a ham!
Regardless of what you end up with on your table for those celebrating Easter, the important part will be fellowship and honoring the spirit of the holiday. If you have been fasting or giving up sweets for Lent, places like Fresh Market still have plenty of treats to choose from. One more day...
I've picked up some Easter chocolate for myself, but I'll be on my own tomorrow. I'll probably head off for a drive.
That big bunny has an enigmatic expression!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 12:32 PM
That looks like a good place to shop any time of the year. Is it really "fresh" food? We have a farmer's market here on Saturday mornings but it's nothing to brag about. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Posted by: Lowell | Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 05:18 PM