Bandito Bodega, established 2016, is located at 1609 West Friendly Avenue. This Asian/Mexican flavor cuisine started as a food truck and now has a brick and mortar building. The restaurant, featured above, is tiny, seating about 17 customers. It is bright and cheerful and you don't notice how little it is once you are in there talking and enjoying the good food. After all, it has been said that tiny and local is the new "big". Bandito Bodega was filled this weekend, between people eating in and coming in to order takeout and it seems to be attracting people of all ages.
Business seems to be booming in Greensboro. Increasingly, Greensboro is getting more young entrepreneurs living their dream and opening small businesses. If you like Mexican food with a twist, you will enjoy Bandito Bodega. Happy Monday!
Mexican and Asian combined. How? Sounds interesting but aren't you the least bit fearful eating in a place called the Bandit Store? Just kidding! 😲
Posted by: Lowell | Monday, March 05, 2018 at 10:49 AM
It looks cheerful!
Posted by: William Kendall | Monday, March 05, 2018 at 11:26 AM