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Tuesday, December 12, 2017


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Gina Hicks

Hi Greensboro Daily Photo,
Thanks so much for the photo love! We did want to let you know that Mark Hewett from Area Modern Home is the guy who is responsible for the revitalization of 513 and 511 S. Elm St. Andy is great too, but Mark did this one!
Gina Hicks
Vivid Interiors

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thank you, Gina, we've gone in and made the change. We aim to get the information right. Sometimes what we find on the internet is not accurate. Greensboro Daily Photo truly becomes a community site when people like you help us with accuracy.

If you ever have ideas for things in the community to feature, please let us know. Every day comes around pretty often!

Janis & David

William Kendall

Vividly purple!

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