The above creche was spotted in a neighborhood off of Westminster Drive, near West Friendly Avenue. Representing the scene of Jesus Christ's birth, nativity scenes can be seen at churches as well as private homes. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with staging the first nativity scene in 1223. St. Francis set up a manger with hay, a live ox and an ass, in a cave in Grecio to use during a service where he preached about the birth of Christ* While nativity scenes are more closely associated with Catholicism and Southern Europe, it is not uncommon to see them at Christian churches or households of people of any denomination.
We try to post at least one nativity scene a year. Two highly visible ones are the creche at Greensboro College on West Market Street and the one at Centenary Methodist Church on West Friendly Avenue at Ridgeway. If you know of others, post a comment below and we'll put it on the "to be photographed" list. Happy Christmas Eve Day! Can you spot the squirrel who was paying his respects on the day we were there?
* reference and more information, here.
It took a moment, but there he is! I wonder what wildlife thinks of this.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, December 24, 2017 at 10:31 AM