Lately, we've been featuring some urban homes and places on walking tours of Greensboro. It is also fun to head out in the county and get pictures of rural places. They have so much character. The above photo features a house along West Market Street between the airport and Kernersville. This was taken back when the crepe myrtle was in full bloom. With its color and linear, sprite decor, the truck noticeably matches the house. When we spot something like this, we always wonder if the matching it intentional, or possibly subconscious. Perhaps oxblood, with its purple and dark brown undertones, is a favorite color of the owners.
In southern living, it is not uncommon for the menfolk to gather around the back of the pick up truck for fellowship and relaxation. However, the above home has a small side porch and a wrap around front porch. It would be easy to spend hours socializing on either of them. Enjoy your Thursday, and may you find time to socialize in person today, on a cozy porch or leaning against a vintage truck!
The truck looks like it could be forty or so years old.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 03:37 PM