Joy mongers is a small-batch brewery located at the corner of North Eugene and Smith Street. They are celebrating their one year anniversary and to great fanfare as North Eugene Street has finally reopened. They are owned and operated by people from Greensboro. Jim Jones, one of the owners, is part of the family that operated the North State Chevrolet dealership by the baseball stadium. Their six acres has been transformed over the last few years. It is nice that they are still involved in a business in the area.
Over the last several months, admittedly, navigating that area has been difficult and the businesses suffered as patrons and shoppers struggled to find a place to park. The above photo features the park-let that is in front of Joymongers and part of the construction that was making the area congested. The park is very nice and is a perfect area to sit and chat. This corner brewery has become quite a gathering spot and this park will enhance the area even more. Click on the photos below to enlarde them and see even more details of this new destination. Check out the live music schedule at Joymongers. They feature a lot of great local musicians. The area is clear of construction now; we promise.
Interesting name choice for a brewery!
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, June 30, 2017 at 02:21 PM
Joymongers? I'm not sure if that's a good or bad name. Nothing wrong with being joyful, of course, so it's probably good. Jan, you need to change your profile as when someone clicks on your name when you make a comment, there's no link to your blog. I thought for awhile that you had given up on the commenting thing.
Thanks for your efforts in finding me. I don't know what happened with that new blog, but the URL just quit working and I was never able to figure out why or how to change it. So I deleted the darn thing!
Posted by: Lowell | Friday, June 30, 2017 at 04:32 PM
They had me at Joymongers Janis.. anything that spreads joy these days cannot be a bad :)
P.s Same thing as Lowell mentioned Janis, when I click on your name when I make a comment it takes me to your profile but there is no link to your blog.
Posted by: Grace | Saturday, July 01, 2017 at 11:35 AM