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Wednesday, May 31, 2017


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tanya breese

i love old bookstores! i usually find some good old books at goodwill!


Would be my favorite stop on a road trip!

Melody Steenkamp

I don't read anymore but I still love the smell of books

Have a united, splendid AbC-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-team)
In less then 6 weeks starting Round 21

Roger O Green

Keep me away! I have SO many books already...


Love a browse in a used books store, such surprising things turn up.

William Kendall

We have a number of them. One in my neighbourhood doubles as a coffee shop and occasional performance space.

Su-sieee! Mac

A community needs a bookstore, even if it's part of a thrift shop. That's how it is in our town.


I think I would have spent time and money here.

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