As the saying goes, it has been raining cats and dogs over the last couple of days. These April showers are not conducive to taking photos outside. The above photo, features a shopper examining an adult-sized rubber ducky float at one of the big box stores on Wendover Avenue. The rubber ducky float even has a cup holder. If this rainy weather continues, perhaps we will all need rubber ducky floats. If you don't collect rubber ducks, you may not realize that there are people who do. Thirty-nine year old Israeli native Rinat Matityahu has a collection of 3,000 rubber ducks.* We're wondering if she owns one this large.
According to the weather reports, in Greensboro it should stop raining and warm up some this afternoon. If so, we might not need that giant yellow float, after all. We're hoping the rain tapers off so that we can resume photographing outside!
Happy Tuesday, dear readers, in less then a week, it will be May. Maybe these April showers, will indeed bring May flowers.(Another rubber duck sighting in the Greensboro was at the High Point Rowing regatta, photo here).
*reference and fun PHOTOS, here.
Rather whimsical!
We can do without rain for a few days. Rivers here have been high lately because of snow melt.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 12:02 PM