This house on Maple Street is located in the backyard of Revolution Mill and in the Cone Mills neighborhood. Built in 1941, this 798 sq.ft. home is typical of the mill houses in the mill communities. An overwhelming majority of employees in the textile mills lived in the mill villages. The company supplied the homes and many community resources, including schools. All the tenants had to do was supply mill workers, usually one per occupied room.* Today, these mill houses are privately owned and many of the mills have closed or been repurposed.
With all of the new occupants at Revolution Mill, this part of East Greensboro is experiencing a great revival. Let's hope the sense of community that characterized the mill villages remains and that people sit on those front porches, play music (actual instruments, not downloaded playlists), and have great conversations with one another. Great things are happening in Greensboro and the tiny house movement is making these small houses more appealing than ever.
*reference, here.
A neat looking house. Whoever owns it today takes care of it.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, February 02, 2017 at 04:04 PM