Last night was "Drink & Draw" night at Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema on Lawndale Drive in Irving Park. People brought sketch pads, pencils, watercolors, markers, digital drawing pads, and a great amount of imagination. Artists were talking, drawing, and sipping their favorite coffeehouse beverages. The above artist was a talented, friendly, young man who loves Greensboro enough to sport our 3-letter, airport code, GSO. In the upper right-hand corner of the box on his shirt, Greensboro's 336 area code is printed. The font and graphics evoke the periodic table of chemical elements; precisely the humor found in the Geeksboro crowd. "Drink & Draw" is a night for creative types to be surrounded by equally creative people who appreciate their cultural references and recognize their drawing styles.
Geeksboro, established in 2012, attracts people for fun, wholesome activities like watching old TV shows together, playing board games, knitting, playing video games, and just plain old-fashioned talking. While we may have the technology to do just about anything at home- from shopping to watching movies and learning through Youtube videos- nothing replaces good old face-to-face or shoulder-to-shoulder social interaction; which, at Geeksboro, is available for the price of a cup of coffee... or two!
I know this seems like just a lot of fun, but I've spoken with da Trumpf's security advisers and be aware this is a huge PLOT to take over Greensboro! Of course, da Trumpf's advisers thought Greensboro was just north of Iceland and next to Denmark, so there's that!
PLOT indeed! You're funny!
Posted by: Lowell | Thursday, February 09, 2017 at 06:59 AM
What a fun evening.
Like that GSO shirt, witty.
It is always nice to mingle with artists, writers and musicians especially when fancy schmancy coffee beverages are available!
Posted by: Janis Dority | Thursday, February 09, 2017 at 02:31 PM
It does sound like fun!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, February 09, 2017 at 04:52 PM
I couldn't agree more Janis, in these days of technology and mobile phones in particular, the art of conversation and actual communication is dying. The exact reason events like this are essential!
Posted by: Grace | Friday, February 10, 2017 at 08:28 AM