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« Happy Valentine's Day 2017 | Main | SHEETZ on the Horizon »

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


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Love your portrait of Mr Scruggs Janis, he looks like a lovely character. It's wonderful to see family businesses thrive for such a long period of time.

artmusedog and carol

What a delightful post for F and Mr Scruggs looks like a wonderful character ~ thanks,

Wishing you a happy day ~ ^_^

Melody Steenkamp

If they were less expensive I would visit them more often

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

William Kendall

I imagine they're glad when Valentine's is done and they can take a breather.

Roger O Green

I need to send my wife flowers!


Super portrait, looks to be in full bloom.

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