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Wednesday, February 01, 2017


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tanya breese

i didn't realize that happened there...i guess it went on at a few counters? when i was getting info on our woolworth's (which looks identical to yours!) i saw that there was also a sit in at woolworth's in raleigh i believe and the building is no longer there but the lunch counter is in a museum...if i remember correctly, it's been a while since i googled that! great post for theme day!

Jim, Sydney, Australia

Wonderful shot for theme day

Melody Steenkamp

lovely photo, always fun kids play

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)
(want to take a preview at the new url starting round 21 ? http://abcwednesday.wordpress.com)


What a great post!

artmusedog and carol

So glad those college students did the sit in ~ wonderful ~ creative photo for D ~ love it ~

Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Week ~ ^_^


Perfect shot for the theme. Loving is what it's all about.

William Kendall

It was brave of them. You've chosen well for the theme.


A nice educational piece today in your text and a nice illustration of the fun of living in your photo.

Barbara Radisavljevic

A great choice for theme day. Children always seem to find a way to enjoy life with what they find around them.

Roger Green

I remember well the Woolworths sit-ins. Important piece of history.

Su-sieee! Mac

That's very cool that they made the site into a museum to learn about courage and dedication it takes to realize and maintain our civil rights.

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