Yesterday, we drove around Greensboro with the goal of finding a snowman and said we would photograph the first one we found. The first (and only) one we saw was the above life-size snowman, residing on Elam Avenue in the heart of Lindley Park. Sporting this red scarf and hat and plopped in front of an NC State flag, he is definitely an NC State fan.
After we finished taking a photo of this Wolfman, also known as Wufman, from NC State, we attempted to head down Camden to watch people sledding at Lindley Park Elementary. Even with a four wheel drive, the road in front of the school seemed too slippery. It became readily apparent why school was cancelled today- side roads are treacherous. If you see any other snow people, let us know and we'll try to get around to photograph them. If they are in Duke, Carolina, or Wake Forest attire, that is OK. Our winter photoshoots are determined by safety of streets, not by what the snow-subject is wearing!
It is important to realize that some things are out of our control, like the 8-10 inches of snow in Greensboro this weekend! Speaking of not having control over the weather, Frosty better look out; temperatures are on the rise over the next few days!
Quite a good sized snow man. It's best to cancel school under the circumstances... your area isn't used to that kind of snowfall.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 05:24 PM
Very cute snowman!
Posted by: tanya breese | Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 09:23 PM