Yesterday's marches and rallies in support of women's, human, and civil rights touched the world. The Greensboro crowds were also quite large for our local event- the Triad North Carolina Women's March. The above photo features Rabbi Andy Koren and Rabbi Fred Guttman. Both started their day at Temple Emanuel for the Sabbath service and then, with congregants, headed a few blocks away to the downtown march. People gathered at Governmental Plaza and marched peacefully to LeBauer Park. The expressions on the faces of both rabbis are representative of the tone of the day. These two men work tirelessly for human and civil rights within and beyond the Jewish community. Indeed, Greensboro is greater for their efforts.
There were a great many people marching in many places yesterday- including here.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 02:46 PM
We are so proud of our rabbis. Yeah, Greensboro!
Posted by: Sue & Jimmy Klau | Monday, January 23, 2017 at 10:39 AM