The North Carolina A&T State University Fellowship Gospel Choir sang their hearts out at the Ronald E. McNair Celebration and Memorial Day this past Friday. McNair was a physicist and NASA astronaut who died on the Space Shuttle Challenger during its 1986 mission. McNair earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics at NC A&T State University. To honor and remember their fellow Aggie, the University always holds an event around the time of the explosion of the Challenger. The community is invited to participate. The above photo was taken at the luncheon held on campus this past Friday.
According to the University's website, the mission of the gospel choir is to "promote and provide a socio-religious organization that embraces the love of gospel music." The gospel choir travels extensively, and frequently performs at NC A&T's official ceremonies. We hope you have an opportunity to hear them live sometime. They are outstanding. In the meantime, you can listen to one of their performances, here. If you look to the right of the choir, on the edge of the photo, you can see a photo of Dr. McNair. If you believe in heaven, you surely believe Dr. McNair is there waiting to greet us when it is our time-- and, just perhaps with a gospel song! Happy Sunday!
Wonderful that they continue to pay tribute!
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 02:21 PM