The above lovebirds (and their cousins and siblings) at Friendly Pets in Friendly Center are very tame. They are finger trained and calm around people. The above pair seemed especially grateful to be handled together. These affectionate and social members of the parrot family are native to Africa, but do well in captivity. When properly cared for and well socialized, lovebirds can live for 10- 15 years. Friendly Pets takes great pride in keeping their birds tame and finger-trained and they are available during business hours to help meet your birds' needs.
If you want a bird and like the idea of rescuing, adopt-a-pet, currently has three parakeets and a cockatiel available. Here is the link for the North Carolina Bird Rescue. They have birds, too. If you are considering one, please remember birds are happiest when they have out of cage time. They make good companions. If love birds and want a gift that keeps on giving, here is Greensboro's chicken and poultry brochure. The city of Greensboro allows residents to keep chickens if they follow certain guidelines (read here). So, if you don't want birds indoors, consider getting hens that can double as pets and providers of eggs. There is no shortage of cute hen photos on Pinterest and social media.
Quite a cute pair!
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, January 13, 2017 at 02:55 PM