In the Greensboro area, beauty abounds. On a recent, sunny, winter day, we drove on Highway 220 from Greensboro to the Stokesdale area. Once off the beaten path, we saw many scenes like the one above. The white horse was as curious about us as we were about her. The other horses were perfectly content to graze in the back of the pasture. The feathery tree line framed the view.
Guilford County and the surrounding area are known for being horse country. If you are interested in horses visit the international online horse directory, O Horse. It lists local opportunities for therapeutic riding, boarding horses, horse breeding, riding camps, pony parties, massage therapy for horses, and so much more. If you want to see a great show, on March 4-5, the Greensboro Kickoff I & II Horse Show will be held at the Sedgefield Showgrounds on Groometown Road.
Quite a graceful horse!
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 04:25 PM