The repurposing of the 520,000 sq. ft. Revolution Mill is transforming the 19-acre property from a 20th century textile mill to a 21st century cultural hub of apartments, restaurants, gallery space, offices, and more. The above photo is 123 Gallery 1250 is located downstairs in Revolution Mill. The gallery walls, by artist James Marshall, represent the first of many collaborative endeavors between UNCG's Weatherspoon Art Gallery (WAM) and Revolution Mill.
The three square photos below provide additional examples of the beauty of the space. The red spiral staircase near the gallery is reminiscent of a Mondrian painting and are a prelude to the geometry of the gallery.
Construction and design elements are being done with great consideration to honor the original features of the building. It is obvious that investors care about aesthetics and are willing to purchase materials that are durable. The cool palate in Marshall's geometric walls accentuate the signature red used throughout the building. Good design is making a difference. We encourage you to take one of the free, Monday evening tours.
It looks like a wonderful conversion project!
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, January 27, 2017 at 02:20 PM