The last farmhouse on Horse Pen Creek Road is about to become a Daystar Church campus. To the left you can see the old homestead, photographed after last week's snow. To the right, below the bent tree trunk, you can see the Daystar trailer. The 30-acre farm, that used to have a hardworking farmer, cows, a large garden, and rows and rows of blackberries, will be an additional campus for one of the nation's fastest growing churches. The current locations for Daystar campuses are: Westover Terrace, Spencer-Dixon Road, and Drawbridge Parkway. When the facility is finished, members that meet at Kernodle Middle School will move the 1/2 a mile up the road to this location.
Daystar, formed in the year 2,000 and the pastor, Allen Holmes has been there since the beginning. He was 27 when he and his wife arrived and had only been pastoring for 18 months. He has since earned a doctorate in leadership from Gordon- Conwell Theological seminary. * Holmes as grown up with the church and the church has grown up with him. What a powerful story. It will be interesting to watch the changes to the property. With 30 acres, hopefully they will have some green space and walking trails. It is a beautiful property.
* reference and more information.
That'll be quite a project to undertake.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 02:51 PM