This white peacock lives at the Greensboro Science Center. He is simply stunning when you can get him to display his tail feathers. He is one of the few animals at the science center who is not caged or captured, per se. He is free to roam around the zoo part in the back of the facility and seems perfectly content to roam among the other creatures who live there. While, he is not particularly aggressive, guests are asked not to try to chase him or to pet him. He does, however, seem to like having his photo taken.
The Greensboro Science Center, still located on Lawndale Avenue, is a fabulous place to visit any day of the year. If you have guests in town, and are looking for something to do this week, the Greensboro Science Center is a great option. Every year, the center gets bigger and better; and, the white peacock has been there to oversee it all. Since male peacocks have close to 200 tail feathers, let's say he salutes his home with a full 200-feather salute.
Quite distinguished looking!
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 04:45 PM